Tuesday, July 27, 2010

slow and not even steady...

So there hasn't been a post in so long because we haven't worked in so long... Our weekends just keep filling up so fast! It scars me that we are moving in soon and there is such a long list of "to do's" still... but little by little! We have completed the painting in both the living and dining rooms... heres the pics!

Living Room before (blah dirty white):

Living room after (pretty beachy blue!):

It's only painted half way down because we are going to install beadboard/wainscotting on the lower half of the walls... this is the inspiration pic but it wont be as tall:

Dining room before (pooooooop brown!!!):

Dining room after (bright green!):

I LOVE looking from the kitchen through the dining and living rooms... the colors are so pretty next to each other and it just brightens up the whole place! beachy FUN!:

here is antonio starting the beadboard installation process.. but we already realized we got the wrong panels.. these don't have a tongue-and-groove system so when you put the panels side by side the gap is very obvious and looks bad... oh well, we kind of told ourselves that losing money was part of the home renovation process....

hopefully more "coming soon"!